History of the Internet. We
all need it. We all want it. But how did it happen
in the first place? Gregory Gromov provides a ... comprehensive ...
history of the Worldwide Web before it was the Net we all know and
love. By Matthew Holt.
June, 1997
For a history of the
Internet readers should consult Gregory Gromov's The Roads and
Crossroads of the Internet's History. Humanities Computing Unit of Oxford
University, UK

History of the Internet and
World Wide Web:
Internet Before World Wide Web
Internet before World Wide Web - The First 130 Years:
Atlantic cable, Sputnick, ARPANET,"Information Superhighway", ...
World Wide Web as a Side Effect of Particle Physics Experiments.
World Wide Web was born in CERN: the most impressive
results of large scale scientific efforts appeared far away from the
main directions of those efforts
Next Crossroad of World Wide Web History
World Wide Web as a NextStep of PC Revolution ...
from Steven P. Jobs to Tim Berners-Lee
Birth of the World Wide Web, Browser Wars, ...
Birth of the Web, Tim Berners-Lee, R. Cailliau, Marc
Andreessen, Browser Wars, ...
Early History of Hypertext
Hypertext Foundation of the World Wide Web: Vannevar
Bush's hyperlink concept, Ted Nelson coins the word Hypertext, ...
"Living History" of Hypertext.
Hypertext Saga of Theodor Holm Nelson: The Fate of
Thinking Person in Silicon Valley ...
"Xanadu" Plan
The Nelson's Xanadu Plan to build a better World Wide
Growth of the Internet: Statistics
Statistics of the Internet & Worl Wide Web: Hosts,
Domains, WebSites, Traffic, ...
What is the nature of World Wide Web?
Prehistory of the Internet
The Ancient Roads of Telecommunications & Computers
They said it ...
People Wrote About This Book

The Roads and Crossroads of the Internet's
History. By Gregory R. Gromov. A critically acclaimed site for a
comprehensive history of the Internet.
The University of
Texas, System Digital Library.
Gregory Gromov
provides an impressionistic overview in "The Roads and Crossroads of
Internet's History," ... with a particular concentration on the
development of hypertext and the Web.
Current literature of the online
community by Eron Main, Faculty of Information Studies,
University of Toronto, Canada
Gregory R. Gromov’s The Roads and
Crossroads of Internet History is probably the history that most
students will enjoy as it is sprinkled liberally with files that
illustrate his points.
Commencing with Internet pre-history work your way through 9
sections to read about the web, browser wars, and Xanadu to name a
few topics. It is a long essay but extremely interesting.
The Australian National University.
Faculty of
Art, Canberra